Single Tooth Implant
Single Tooth Implant

Xray of implant crown
Case Study 1
Fred lost his front tooth in a football accident and wore a part denture for many years. Fred’s denture was uncomfortable and occassionaly became loose when eating. Fred always worried about loosing his dentures at an embarressing time and was fed up wearing his denture.
Preferred treatment plan: tooth whitening first, followed by a single tooth porcelain veneered crown on an implant fixture. Tooth coloured bonded restorations on adjacent teeth were carried out to establish a more pleasing smile .

Pre-treatment: Fractured upper left central incisor tooth lost in a football accident. Fred is wearing a denture

Implant placed

Treatment: Shade selection

After: Implant crown, whitening and bonding
Case Study 2
Peter suffered a blow to his front teeth breaking the incisal edges of four of his anterior teeth. The trauma caused extensive root resorption to his upper left front incisor. (Root resorption occurs when the body rejects the tooth and eats away the root.) The tooth was not treatable and removed.
Treatment consisted of:
1.) Extraction of the upper left central incisor
2.) Immediate temporary part denture fitted at time of extraction -three months waiting period for bone healing
3.) Tooth whitening
4.) Implant surgery to place implant fixture into missing tooth space
5.) Tooth coloured white fillings bonded to anterior chipped teeth
6.) Implant crown placed